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Internal Marketing In Your RIA to Gain Client Stickability

Internal Marketing In Your RIA to Gain Client Stickability

The financial services industry is highly competitive. While winning new clients is a necessity, achieving “customer stickiness” is a paramount goal. This term refers to the tendency of clients to return for repeat business, reflecting their loyalty to your brand and the quality of service you provide. Multiple factors influence stickiness, including product quality, pricing, […]

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Niche Marketing: When Is the Right Time For RIA Owners to Explore?

Niche Marketing: When Is the Right Time For RIA Owners to Explore?

As the owner of Registered Investment Adviser (RIA) practice, recognizing when and how to explore shifting to a niche market share can be a game changer for your firm. But how do you know it’s time to make this strategic shift? It’s not as simple as looking at numbers and data; it’s a feeling, a

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The Essential End-of-Year Checklist for RIA Owners

The Essential End-of-Year Checklist for RIA Owners

As we approach each new year, it’s important to take a moment to reflect and assess where your business is at. Doing so can help you solidify your goals for the coming year and provide some clarity as you work toward the eight-figure exit. As an RIA owner, an end-of-year checklist is essential. However, you

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Should You Add an Authorized Signer on Your Business Bank Account?

Should You Add an Authorized Signer on Your Business Bank Account?

Whether you do it when opening a business bank account or as your business grows, you may want to consider adding an authorized signer to your business bank account. An authorized signer can access your account and perform transactions, such as paying vendors or transferring funds. Adding an authorized signer can make business banking easier,

Should You Add an Authorized Signer on Your Business Bank Account? Read More »

Maximizing ROI in RIA Marketing: A Comprehensive Approach

Maximizing ROI in RIA Marketing: A Comprehensive Approach

As Registered Investment Adviser (RIA) firm owners, we have a strange relationship with marketing. We understand that in order to achieve the growth required to have an eight-figure exit, marketing is necessary. However, because marketing doesn’t react in a linear sense, we often view our marketing spend as “wasted money.” I believe this is because

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Protect Your RIA’s Intellectual Property for a Higher Multiple

Protect Your RIA’s Intellectual Property for a Higher Multiple

Driving your Registered Investment Adviser (RIA) firm toward the eight-figure exit can be grueling. It’s a lengthy process with many moving parts. As you work to improve one area of your business, you will create new challenges in others. Fortunately, there’s a secret weapon at your disposal. Your firm’s intellectual property (IP) and trade secrets

Protect Your RIA’s Intellectual Property for a Higher Multiple Read More »

Disclosing Litigation During a Business Sale: What RIA Owners Should Know

Disclosing Litigation During a Business Sale: What RIA Owners Should Know

For years, you’ve been working toward the eight-figure exit. You’ve finally received a letter of intent and you’re ready to sit down at the table to negotiate the sale of your Registered Investment Adviser (RIA) firm. It’s one of the most exciting times of your life but the timing couldn’t be worse. Recent or pending

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Navigating RIA Risk Mitigation for the Eight-Figure Exit

Navigating RIA Risk Mitigation for the Eight-Figure Exit

As the owner of a Registered Investment Adviser (RIA) business, you face a daily onslaught of risk. How you handle those risks can significantly affect your business. Having the right protections in place could decide the fate of your firm and your own financial future. In this entry, I’m going to look at some of

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Marketing and Sales Alignment: Driving the Eight-Figure Exit

Marketing and Sales Alignment: Driving the Eight-Figure Exit

Have you ever considered the relationship between your RIA’s marketing and sales departments? Are they working in harmony to achieve the same goal, or do they operate as separate entities that occasionally cross paths? Marketing and sales alignment is an essential element in creating sustainable growth for the eight-figure exit. In this entry, I’m going

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Sales Projections and Your RIA’s Health: A Financially Simple Guide

Sales Projections and Your RIA’s Health: A Financially Simple Guide

Sales are a vital part of any business. Without them, your company won’t last very long. But what can we learn from them? It may be tempting to view sales projections as just a way of determining what your year-end revenue might look like, but you’d be missing the full picture if you do. You

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The Power of No: Streamlining Your RIA’s Clientele for the Eight-Figure Exit

The Power of No: Streamlining Your RIA’s Clientele for the Eight-Figure Exit

As your business has grown, it likely became more complicated. You started off with just a handful of clients who were willing to put their trust in an upstart. Now, you find yourself serving more affluent clients and seeing that they provide a more efficient path to revenue growth. Unfortunately, your book is full, and

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Implement These 4 Strategies in Your Sales Department to Close More Leads

Implement These 4 Strategies in Your Sales Department to Close More Leads

Driving your Registered Investment Adviser (RIA) toward the eight-figure exit demands a strategic approach that balances your growth aspirations with operational efficiency. In my last entry, I discussed why decentralization is a necessity for those seeking true value growth. Today, I’m going to continue by discussing one of the more practical aspects of decentralizing. After

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Beyond pennies: 5 tips to figure out the untold wealth of your solopreneurship

Beyond pennies: 5 tips to figure out the untold wealth of your solopreneurship

Your business is more than a pot of gold. Dig deep and you’ll unveil your true value as a self-made millionaire #financialfreedom #money #entrepreneur #business #finance #investing #financialliteracy #success #investment #wealth #motivation #financialindependence #passiveincome #personalfinance #realestate #stockmarket #debtfree #entrepreneurship #invest #bitcoin #creditrepair #debtfreecommunity #investor #trading #workfromhome #stocks #credit #financialeducation #bhfyp

Beyond pennies: 5 tips to figure out the untold wealth of your solopreneurship Read More »

Using Benchmarks to Decentralize and Spur Organic Growth

Using Benchmarks to Decentralize and Spur Organic Growth

Preparing your Registered Investment Adviser (RIA) for the eight-figure exit is a long and daunting task. It requires detailed planning, lots of follow-through, and many long hours. I know it can seem like a pipe-dream, but it actually is attainable. However, there’s a critical step in preparing for the eight-figure exit that many advisors don’t

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Building an Incentive Program for Your RIA: Nurturing Success and Growth

Building an Incentive Program for Your RIA: Nurturing Success and Growth

For many RIA owners, success lies not only in astute financial decisions but also in fostering a motivated and engaged team. However, anytime you’re dealing with people, things can get complicated. Fortunately, there is a way to align your vision for the future with your team’s individual aspirations. In today’s entry, I’m going to explore

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Mitigate Compliance Risk in Your RIA Through Operations

Mitigate Compliance Risk in Your RIA Through Operations

Reducing compliance risk is a top priority for any Registered Investment Adviser (RIA). As the regulatory landscape becomes more stringent, it’s critical to establish robust operational movements that not only meet these requirements but also provide a structured framework to navigate the complexities of the industry. In today’s entry, I’ll look at some key operational

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Policies and Procedures: Driving Profitability Through Your RIA’s Governing Documents

Policies and Procedures: Driving Profitability Through Your RIA’s Governing Documents

Improving your Registered Investment Adviser’s (RIA’s) profitability requires a strategic approach that extends well beyond investment strategies. In fact, one often overlooked avenue lies in the realm of governing documents. Although they might not be sexy, these seemingly mundane documents hold the potential to transform your RIA’s profitability, shape its culture, and even influence your

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Why A Flat Org Chart Might Not Work for the Eight-Figure Exit

Why A Flat Org Chart Might Not Work for the Eight-Figure Exit

One of the biggest challenges when it comes to exit planning is making sure your business won’t fall apart once you’re no longer leading it. Having a powerful, scalable organizational chart in place is one of the many ways that you can help prepare your team for an exit. Yet, one type of org chart

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