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Increasing The Safe Retirement Withdrawal Rate At The Wrong Time

Increasing The Safe Retirement Withdrawal Rate At The Wrong Time

If you’re increasing your safe withdrawal rate for retirement now, you’re likely making a mistake. You might be inadvertently top-ticking the market as the Fed embarks on what is likely a multi-year rate cut cycle. One of the main reasons the Fed is cutting rates is due to growing weakness in the labor market. Inflation […]

Increasing The Safe Retirement Withdrawal Rate At The Wrong Time Read More »

Couple with -million portfolio still need ‘what-if’ advice for the ‘long journey’ of retirement

Couple with $3-million portfolio still need ‘what-if’ advice for the ‘long journey’ of retirement

Newfoundland husband and wife, 54 and 51, should also consider an estate plan given the complexity of their finances #financialfreedom #money #entrepreneur #business #finance #investing #financialliteracy #success #investment #wealth #motivation #financialindependence #passiveincome #personalfinance #realestate #stockmarket #debtfree #entrepreneurship #invest #bitcoin #creditrepair #debtfreecommunity #investor #trading #workfromhome #stocks #credit #financialeducation #bhfyp

Couple with $3-million portfolio still need ‘what-if’ advice for the ‘long journey’ of retirement Read More »

Bumped Into An Illegal Immigrant And It Could Have Been Costly

Bumped Into An Illegal Immigrant And It Could Have Been Costly

Like millions of others, I watched with intrigue the first—and potentially only—Donald Trump and Kamala Harris presidential debate. One of the most important topics discussed was illegal immigration and how the Biden/Harris administration allowed millions of illegal immigrants to enter the country. If you’re willing to flee your country and attempt to enter America illegally,

Bumped Into An Illegal Immigrant And It Could Have Been Costly Read More »

The Broke Mindset: Your Contrarian Advantage In Building Wealth

The Broke Mindset: Your Contrarian Advantage In Building Wealth

Since I purchased my house in October 2023, I’ve been feeling broke. I’m living paycheck to paycheck to cover my bills and fund venture capital calls. In fact, even after realizing I had missed a $25,000 capital call, it took me another week to pay it off because I didn’t have enough money on hand.

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Consequences Of A Limited Partner Not Meeting A Capital Call

Consequences Of A Limited Partner Not Meeting A Capital Call

Last month, I missed a $25,000 capital call without even realizing it. The Managing Partner of the fund, a friend I’ve known since business school, texted me while he was on vacation. He wrote, “Hi Sam—hope you’re having a good summer. I’m texting from Holland—sorry for the quick note, but just a reminder that the

Consequences Of A Limited Partner Not Meeting A Capital Call Read More »

Couple has a compelling reason for wanting to break with the retirement mould

Couple has a compelling reason for wanting to break with the retirement mould

They’ve saved and eliminated debt, but are still just short of their money goal to stop working before age 65 #financialfreedom #money #entrepreneur #business #finance #investing #financialliteracy #success #investment #wealth #motivation #financialindependence #passiveincome #personalfinance #realestate #stockmarket #debtfree #entrepreneurship #invest #bitcoin #creditrepair #debtfreecommunity #investor #trading #workfromhome #stocks #credit #financialeducation #bhfyp

Couple has a compelling reason for wanting to break with the retirement mould Read More »

A  Million Net Worth Should Be Enough To Live Happy And Free

A $20 Million Net Worth Should Be Enough To Live Happy And Free

Needless to say, a $20 million net worth is a substantial amount of money. It firmly places you within the top 1% of net worth, with the current minimum threshold around $13 million. Previously, we discussed how a $10 million net worth, and even a $5 million net worth, are both ideal amounts for retirement,

A $20 Million Net Worth Should Be Enough To Live Happy And Free Read More »

How Long Will My Retirement Savings Last?

How Long Will My Retirement Savings Last?

How long your retirement savings will last depends on when you retire, your expenses in retirement, inflation and your investments’ rate of return. Some of these factors are in your control, while others are not. However, there are steps you can take to maximize your savings both before retirement and once you’re withdrawing from your

How Long Will My Retirement Savings Last? Read More »

Performance-Based Commission Rates By Top Real Estate Agents

Performance-Based Commission Rates By Top Real Estate Agents

With the real estate industry finally lowering commission rates after August 17, 2024, a battle is brewing among brokerages and agents to win business. For example, Sotheby’s has decided to charge 2% to the seller and 2% to the buyer—or even less—to stay competitive. Other brokerages will likely follow suit. For individual real estate agents,

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Financial Planning for New College Graduates: Budgeting, Student Loans, and Beyond

Financial Planning for New College Graduates: Budgeting, Student Loans, and Beyond

“Navigating post-college financial responsibilities? Learn effective budgeting, student loan management, and essential saving strategies for securing your financial future in our comprehensive guide for new graduates.” Graduating from college is an exciting milestone, but it also marks the beginning of new financial responsibilities. As you step into the world of full-time employment, understanding how to

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The Pointlessness of Working When Your Net Worth Is Declining

The Pointlessness of Working When Your Net Worth Is Declining

The latest stock market correction cost me about five times what I made consulting part-time for four months. If I were smarter, I would have sold 100% of my rollover IRA before stocks started to tumble, then bought back in several weeks later. Alas, I don’t possess such acumen. This experience got me thinking about

The Pointlessness of Working When Your Net Worth Is Declining Read More »

Creating Connections To Save Money and Get Better Service

Creating Connections To Save Money and Get Better Service

Life is easier when you can make a positive connection with other people. As I discovered recently, creating a connection with your service provider can also save you money or provide you better service. One of the ways I’m decumulating wealth is by spending money on massages. I love getting massages, especially after a lot

Creating Connections To Save Money and Get Better Service Read More »

How To Decumulate Wealth: A Practical Guide

How To Decumulate Wealth: A Practical Guide

Starting at age 45 in 2022, I consciously started focusing on decumulating wealth. I realized that my life was likely half over, and I needed to start spending more to prevent dying with too much money. If I died with too much money, it would mean that I had wasted a lot of time and

How To Decumulate Wealth: A Practical Guide Read More »

Mental Health’s Impact On Life Insurance Coverage And Pricing

Mental Health’s Impact On Life Insurance Coverage And Pricing

Many of us experience mental health conditions or know someone close to us who does. Life is stressful and it only seems to get more stressful over time. The difficulties of day-to-day life can cause significant anxiety about what the future holds. We’ve discussed parental existential crisis and money dysmorphia, both of which may stem

Mental Health’s Impact On Life Insurance Coverage And Pricing Read More »

Not Having Kids Is Your FIRE Super Power: Don’t Blow It!

Not Having Kids Is Your FIRE Super Power: Don’t Blow It!

There’s a classic saying, “Youth is wasted on the young.” It’s meant to convey that those who are young lack the perspective to appreciate all the advantages of youth and thus take it for granted. After more than seven years of being a parent, it is clear to me that not having kids is a

Not Having Kids Is Your FIRE Super Power: Don’t Blow It! Read More »

The Grind Back To Financial Independence: Early Stages Complete

The Grind Back To Financial Independence: Early Stages Complete

In the second half of 2023, I significantly impacted our passive income, causing our household to technically lose its financial independence. Prior to this, we had been financially independent since 2012, when I left my banking job. My goal now is to regain financial independence by December 31, 2027. To achieve this, I need to

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This 69-year-old is getting serious about retiring and moving to Nova Scotia

This 69-year-old is getting serious about retiring and moving to Nova Scotia

Expert recommends holding off on buying a home in Nova Scotia until she’s ready to move #financialfreedom #money #entrepreneur #business #finance #investing #financialliteracy #success #investment #wealth #motivation #financialindependence #passiveincome #personalfinance #realestate #stockmarket #debtfree #entrepreneurship #invest #bitcoin #creditrepair #debtfreecommunity #investor #trading #workfromhome #stocks #credit #financialeducation #bhfyp

This 69-year-old is getting serious about retiring and moving to Nova Scotia Read More »

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