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Don’t Beat Up Your Opponents Too Badly While Smiling

Don’t Beat Up Your Opponents Too Badly While Smiling

If you want career, financial, and social success, don’t beat up your opponents too badly while smiling. This advice might sound odd or even obvious, but not adhering to it can have tremendous negative consequences. Anyone who has ever jet-skied knows it’s impossible not to smile while riding the waves. Well, I can’t help but […]

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Personal Responsibility Is Important: How Did We Get So Entitled?

Personal Responsibility Is Important: How Did We Get So Entitled?

I believe in personal responsibility. So should you. If we take responsibility for our actions, we will end up wealthier and lead better lives. If you father a child, you had better step up and take care of your child until they are adults. None of this “see you later” nonsense while you shack up

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How Good Relationships Can Save You Lots Of Money

How Good Relationships Can Save You Lots Of Money

Now that I’m on a quest to save money and improve my cash flow, I’ve stumbled upon some new ways to save that I hadn’t really considered before. Let me share with you my latest realization about how good relationships can help you save money. One of my expenses is a $180/month private sports club

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7 Questions to Ask Your Partner Before You Combine Finances

7 Questions to Ask Your Partner Before You Combine Finances

There’s a reason why money is a common source of relationship conflicts: It’s a topic that’s difficult for many couples to talk about. We all have complex, emotional relationships with money, and it might feel especially uncomfortable to reveal your detailed financial situation to the person you’re building a life with. But ignore that little

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A Scarcity Mindset Will Make You Miserable But Potentially Richer

A Scarcity Mindset Will Make You Miserable But Potentially Richer

I’ve written about the importance of having a strong money mindset to get richer. But what I’ve also realized is having a scarcity mindset can also make you richer as well! Could both mindsets lead to good fortune? Let’s explore. The Fire Alarm Goes Off Our home’s fire alarm started going off one morning, so

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Blind Spots For Fathers Who Think They Are Doing A Great Job

Blind Spots For Fathers Who Think They Are Doing A Great Job

One of the fun things about giving up on retirement is preparing for upcoming job interviews. I probably gave over 300 interviews myself when I was working in banking from 1999 – 2012. One of my favorite interview questions is asking candidates about a blind spot of theirs they eventually realized and how? The question’s

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For A Rich Long Life, Marry An Asian Person

For A Rich Long Life, Marry An Asian Person

Do you want a rich long life? Of course you do. It turns out that marrying an Asian person may give you the highest chance of outliving and outearning most people! Let me share how I came to this conclusion. After publishing my post on how life expectancy greatly depends on wealth and location, a

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The Source Of All Stress In Life: Giving A Giant Crap

The Source Of All Stress In Life: Giving A Giant Crap

Are you finding yourself stressed out more often? Are you feeling burned out after the pandemic? If so, maybe the source of all stress in life is giving a giant crap. The less you can give a crap about things, the less stressed you will be and vice versa! Let’s talk about how we can

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You Will Always Regret Sacrificing Love For Money

Money is great. Money provides freedom. But you will always regret sacrificing love for money. When you get older, you will realize how true this statement really is if you haven’t found someone. Life is simply not as fun if you don’t have someone to share it with. Further, finding “the one” might also want

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Why You Should Play Pickleball: The Best Sport Today

Pickleball is the fastest-growing sport in America. If you’re looking for an easy sport to pick up that’s loads of fun and inexpensive, pickleball is the sport for you. After playing 29 USTA league tennis matches in 2022, my shoulder, knees, and feet began to break. The wisest thing would have been to take time

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How To Develop A Better Personality To Get Into An Elite University

How To Develop A Better Personality To Get Into An Elite University

Want to get into an elite university? Develop a better personality so you can receive a higher personality score during the admissions process. In the Supreme Court case regarding using race-conscious admissions (affirmative action) at Harvard University and UNC, we learn Harvard assigns a personality score to every applicant. By assigning a lower personality score

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How To Save Money in College: 66 Tips for Students in 2022

How To Save Money in College: 66 Tips for Students in 2022

Learning how to save money in college may be the last thing you want to do while you’re, well, already learning in school. But starting responsible spending habits early on can give you a valuable financial head start. Imagine being able to pay off your student loans or other debt right after graduation, or even

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Managing Money With Roommates – 9 Do’s & Don’ts

Living with other adults isn’t easy. There are plenty of money problems that can ruin a roommate relationship, from arguments over who owes what to confusion over how to split groceries. If you want smooth financial sailing with your housemates, follow these simple dos and don’ts. Managing Money With Roommates – 9 Do’s & Don’ts

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14 Anti-Valentine’s Day Ideas for Singles Without Dates

The annual onslaught of heart-shaped objects, cheap chocolates, and exploitatively priced diamonds can leave single people feeling left out. Whether you want to celebrate Anti-Valentine’s Day or Galentine’s Day, you have plenty of options for having fun without a significant other. 14 Anti-Valentine’s Day Ideas for Singles Without Dates is a post from Money Crashers.

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7 Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Her (on a Budget)

Valentine’s Day can be stressful when you’re on a budget. Those glittering store window displays send the message that you have to shell out the big bucks to show your lady you care. But real women tell a different story: These seven inexpensive Valentine’s Day gifts are what they really want. 7 Valentine’s Day Gift

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Gratitude in A Difficult Year

This year took so many twists and turns we haven’t been able to keep count– often leaving us in complete overwhelm with a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. Grief, anxiety, and sheer disappointment are just a handful that comes to mind when we reflect on the endless amount of curveballs life has thrown over the

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