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What Are Alternative Investments?

What Are Alternative Investments?

Putting money into the stock market isn’t the only way to invest. Alternative investments are asset classes other than stocks, bonds and cash. They tend to carry more risk, but they could also set the stage for stronger returns in the long run. Like any investment, these assets each have pros and cons. Understanding how […]

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Growth vs. Value Investing: Which Is Better?

Growth vs. Value Investing: Which Is Better?

Growth investing and value investing are two approaches to investing that present differing risks and potential rewards. Determining the best approach for you depends on your risk tolerance, time horizon and overall financial goals. What Is Growth Investing? Growth investing is a strategy that focuses on companies whose sales and profits are expected to outpace

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Pros and Cons of Investing in ETFs

Pros and Cons of Investing in ETFs

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are a popular investment vehicle due to their broad diversification, wide availability and relatively low costs. These investments, which you can purchase through a brokerage or retirement account, include a basket of stocks or other securities to help diversify your portfolio. ETFs can be an integral part of your investment strategy, but

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When Is the Best Time to Buy and Sell Stocks?

When Is the Best Time to Buy and Sell Stocks?

The stock market is constantly in flux, so there isn’t one right or wrong time to trade stocks. As an investor, you must evaluate and decide what makes sense for you. Your financial goals, age, risk tolerance and investment portfolio can help you determine the best time to buy, sell and hold stocks. When to

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What Is an IRA?

What Is an IRA?

An individual retirement account, or IRA, lets you maximize retirement savings by saving money on your pre-retirement tax bills. Depending on type, an IRA may allow you to contribute pre-tax dollars to your retirement fund or withdraw money tax-free in retirement. Meanwhile, your money grows tax-deferred or tax-free while it’s in your account. What Is

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What Is a Stock Market Index?

What Is a Stock Market Index?

Stock exchanges like the Nasdaq and the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) are two of the largest marketplaces to buy and sell stocks. They’re different from stock market indexes, which track the performance of specific groups of stocks. You’ve probably heard of the S&P 500, the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the Nasdaq Composite. These

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13 Best Investment Opportunities for Accredited Investors

13 Best Investment Opportunities for Accredited Investors

When I became an accredited investor, I found myself among an elite group with the financial means and regulatory clearance to access investments that many couldn’t. This opened doors to exclusive realms like hedge funds, venture capital firms, specific investment funds, private equity funds, and more. Even though I had this “exclusive access” it took

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Are Government Bonds Risk-Free?

Are Government Bonds Risk-Free?

Government bonds, also known as Treasury bonds or T-bonds, are issued and backed by the federal government. When you buy one, you’re effectively loaning money to the U.S. Department of the Treasury. You’ll then be repaid over time with interest, which is paid at a fixed rate every six months until the bond matures. Treasury

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CD vs. IRA: What’s the Difference?

CD vs. IRA: What’s the Difference?

Certificates of deposit (CDs) and individual retirement accounts (IRAs) are two types of accounts you can use for savings, each with its own set of benefits and potential drawbacks. A CD is a type of high-interest savings account, while an IRA is a tax-advantaged retirement account. Learn how these accounts work and when it makes

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What Is a Financial Windfall?

What Is a Financial Windfall?

From discovering a $20 bill in the pocket of your winter coat to receiving a surprise bonus at work, financial windfalls make life a little sweeter. A financial windfall is money you didn’t expect to receive. Financial windfalls can range in size from hundreds to millions of dollars, but whatever the amount, they offer an

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Empower (formerly Personal Capital) Review – Managing All Your Investments in One Place

Empower (formerly Personal Capital) Review – Managing All Your Investments in One Place

One thing that I have craved for investors is a tool that allows you to sync all your financial accounts – your investment portfolio, checking and savings accounts, credit cards and other loan accounts – in one place, and then provides an investment-related analysis of your entire portfolio. Mint does a fantastic job of giving

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SaveBetter Review: The Best Place to Go for High-Interest Savings?

SaveBetter Review: The Best Place to Go for High-Interest Savings?

If this past year has taught us anything, it’s that investments that seem too good to be true almost always are. Many investors were burned by ‘can’t miss’ tech stocks and could only watch as the value of digital assets, like cryptocurrencies and NFTs, evaporated in minutes and couldn’t sustain the promised high returns.   In

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How to Achieve Important Long-Term Financial Goals

How to Achieve Important Long-Term Financial Goals

Long-term goals aren’t easy to achieve. But why? Could it be that motivation wanes over time? Perhaps external circumstances change. Maybe it has to do with the feasibility of the goals. Many people have trouble sticking to something over the course of a single year let alone several years or decades. Perhaps that’s why long-term

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How to Avoid Emotional Investing

How to Avoid Emotional Investing

Checking your quarterly 401(k) statement, you get a sinking feeling in your stomach: Your account has lost 20% of its value. Your mind starts racing: Will its value continue to plummet? How will you ever afford to retire? Should you move your money out of the stock market and into safer investments? With the stock

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15 Best Low-Risk Investments for 2023

15 Best Low-Risk Investments for 2023

Investing well is about balancing risk and reward. The unprecedented challenges facing the world economy have many savers looking to reduce their exposure to risky investments and move towards those with lower risk. While it’s true that the amount of return you can get depends on how much risk (and losses) you are willing to

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How to Crush Your Short-Term Financial Goals (IRL Examples)

How to Crush Your Short-Term Financial Goals (IRL Examples)

One would think that short-term goals are pretty easy to accomplish. Oh, really? Think again. Short-term goals can be easily put off for a plethora of reasons. Research suggests this as 91% of people fail on their New Years’ resolutions. When it comes down to getting short-term goals done, including short-term financial goals, one must

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What Is The SIPC and How Does it Protect Your Investments?

What Is The SIPC and How Does it Protect Your Investments?

As a financial planner, I get a lot of concerned questions from my clients regarding their investments. One recently asked me: What exactly happens if the brokerage firm I’m custodied with goes out of business? This is a great question because many people don’t know their investments have protection in the first place, or they’re

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7 Ways to Invest in Real Estate With Poor Credit

7 Ways to Invest in Real Estate With Poor Credit

Investing in real estate could be a good way to diversify your portfolio and earn returns on money that you don’t want to put into savings, stocks or other investments. If you don’t have good credit, you might have a hard time getting a conventional or government-backed loan to purchase an investment property. However, here

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