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You Can Now Connect Your Apple Card to Mint

You Can Now Connect Your Apple Card to Mint

Minters – you asked, we’ve delivered. Drum roll please… Our most requested connection is now in Mint! We’re bringing more ways for you to get a seamless, comprehensive look into your transactions and are excited to announce that users can now securely and directly connect to Apple Card.  Track Your Apple Card in the Mint […]

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How to Negotiate Medical Bills: A Simplified Guide + What You Need to Know

How to Negotiate Medical Bills: A Simplified Guide + What You Need to Know

If you don’t know the drill yourself, you’ve probably seen a loved one experience it: Weeks after a medical procedure, you’re blindsided with a bill much higher than anything you were anticipating. Sometimes this is due to a procedure not being covered by your insurance plan, and other times it’s because your medical provider is

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How to Set a Financial Goal with Mint

How to Set a Financial Goal with Mint

We all have goals we want to achieve, but it’s easy to postpone working toward them while waiting for the “right moment” to get started. Sound familiar? The truth is, you don’t have to wait for the New Year, the beginning of the month, or your birthday to set, or get started with, a financial

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Do’s and Don’ts of Grocery Shopping in Bulk

Do’s and Don’ts of Grocery Shopping in Bulk

Everybody likes to save money anywhere possible. Grocery shopping is of particular interest to many money savers, because food and grocery purchases are one of the highest monthly expenses for most people. There are many different ways to save money on your overall food purchases, including eating out less, using coupons and limiting impulse purchases.

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How to Use Investing Apps for Beginners

How to Use Investing Apps for Beginners

Investing apps have revolutionized the way that investors can buy or sell stocks, bonds, options, and other financial instruments. There are many different types of investing apps that allow you to invest in the stock market. Robinhood and other investing apps have been in the news a lot lately, so this article will give you

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How To Get Back On Track After An Expensive Weekend

How To Get Back On Track After An Expensive Weekend

Starting a regular budget is one of the best things that you can do to improve your overall financial health. But one of the most important ways to stay financially disciplined is to STICK to your budget. This is one of the hardest things to do, and anyone that tells you that they never go

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How Much Do Instagram + TikTok Content Creators Make (And How To Get Started)

How Much Do Instagram + TikTok Content Creators Make (And How To Get Started)

If you’ve built up any sort of a social media following, the thought has probably crossed your mind – what would it take to start earning some money from my accounts? That’s a complicated question to answer. We reached out to some of our favorite content creators for a little perspective. We’ll take a closer

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5 Ways to Make Your Money Work for You

5 Ways to Make Your Money Work for You

Making your money work for you is an important step on the road to financial security and independence. Earning money by trading your time is important, but it’s just as important to find a way to make money without having to be actively involved. While you might dream of being able to make money while

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How to Use a Personal Loan to Consolidate Debt

How to Use a Personal Loan to Consolidate Debt

There are many different kinds of debt that people might have. Debt that is backed by some sort of collateral is called secured debt. Examples of this might be a car loan or a home mortgage. Your home mortgage is backed by your home — if you stop paying your mortgage, the bank may take

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How To Budget For Charitable Giving

How To Budget For Charitable Giving

Whether you’re trying to be more generous with your money or trying to avoid over-giving, charity should be approached like any other expense. By working charitable giving into your budget, you can build a sustainable habit that doesn’t eat into your other finances. Budgeting for charity can be done in a few different ways, depending

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How to Make Your Side Hustle a Full-Time Job

How to Make Your Side Hustle a Full-Time Job

There comes a point in time where you may reach this crossroad. Is it that time to 100% bet on myself and my dreams? How can I take my business more seriously and solely invest everything I have into it? The never-ending juggling act of working a traditional job while pursuing your passion projects can

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How to Prepare For Life Post-Graduation

How to Prepare For Life Post-Graduation

Life after college graduation can be… a lot. You don’t really appreciate the bubble of campus living until you step out into the great unknown. One day you’re worried about studying for exams and writing papers, and the next you’re figuring out how to make rent and put bread on the table. It gets easier,

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How to Improve Your Credit Score to Get a Personal Loan

Personal loans are an incredible financial tool. They’re speedy, secure, convenient, and best of all, they can be used for just about anything you can think of. Consolidating debt, making improvements to your home, covering unexpected expenses, paying for a special occasion, taking a getaway vacation… the list goes on.  If you’ve been considering taking

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A Step-By-Step-Guide to Saving For A Car

A Step-By-Step-Guide to Saving For A Car

In a world where things will constantly catch you off guard or by surprise – purchasing a car isn’t one of those expenses that we can simply or easily incorporate into our existing budget. To alleviate any unnecessary stress and to ensure your mind is clear to make such an important decision, we want to

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How to Recession Proof Your Finances

After years of uncertainty and constant shifts within the economy, it’s always best to prepare for what you have the ability to control. Instead of allowing the world’s happenings to control your finances; take these necessary steps to give you financial security and sanity. Create a solid plan of attack to pay off credit cards

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How to Manage Your Finances While Also Supporting Loved Ones

Have you ever wondered why airline flight attendants instruct you to put on your own oxygen mask before assisting others? It might seem selfish to put your own needs before the needs of your loved ones, but this rule is actually part of a broader philosophy: in order to help someone else, you need to

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44 Ways to Make Money at Home (At Any Age or Skill Level) in 2021

Did you know that 3.9 million U.S. employees work remotely? It’s true. And it may sound like your dream job — making money from home (even in your PJs). You may be ready to start a full-time gig or take on a side hustle to meet your financial goals in 2021. Why not accomplish your

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Curb Emotional Spending with These 6 Mindful Money Tips

It’s common to treat yourself to something sweet when you’re feeling down, or celebrate achievements over dinner. However, little “treats” may be emotional spending in disguise. If you’re frequently feeling guilty for buying things you never use, you may be an emotional spender, and this budget-breaker may be more common than you think. In a

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