Financial Independence

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7 Streams of Income: Your Path to Becoming A Millionaire

Have you ever heard or read somewhere that the average millionaire has 7 streams of income? It’s one of the more common statements when it comes to accumulating wealth and how wealthy individuals reached this status.  But how true is this?  Well, author Tom Corley did a five-year-long study and surveyed wealthy individuals on their […]

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Stealth Wealth: The Power of Concealing Your Money

As you go through life, you might meet people who you would never know are extremely wealthy or have amassed quite large fortunes. And maybe you also fall into this category currently as well. But these wealthy people are your neighbors, family members, or even friends that have done quite well for themselves but have

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Money Mindset: Change The Way You Think About Money

Improving your financial health usually revolves around basic categories like cutting expenses, making a budget, saving and investing, and making more money.  And while each of those steps is important, we often neglect to focus on our money mindset first. Typically, if you’ve listened to or read any money advice out there, it is all

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What Is Lean FIRE? The Frugal Way to Early Retirement

With so many new approaches to early retirement and the FIRE movement, it might be hard to keep track of it all! But the good news is that you have more options to pursue the right path that fits your personal finance needs. Another popular retirement strategy is called Lean FIRE. And just like the

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What Is Coast FIRE? The Casual Way to Reach Retirement

If you’ve been exploring the concept of financial independence, retire early (FIRE) then you might have come across Coast FIRE. Yup, another variation and strategy to add to your personal finance list!  It’s incredible how the early retirement movement has exploded in the last few years and the strategies people use to reach this challenging

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What Is Barista FIRE? Reach Early Retirement A Bit Sooner

For many people in the world, the dream of reaching early retirement or working on your terms is incredibly enticing.  This is referred to as FIRE or “financial independence, retire early” and it has certainly gained steam as new generations of people take interest in finances and disassociating from the “9-5 normalities” of life.  Yet,

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What Is A Wealth Advisor And Are They Worth It?

Ideally, it’s safe to say that a majority of people would love to have a personal fortune that may require working with a wealth advisor. And if you have reached a point in your life where you need help with your assets and wealth, then you have reached a status that many others dream about!

What Is A Wealth Advisor And Are They Worth It? Read More »

35 Money Affirmations to Attract Wealth and Abundance

When you begin taking a look at your finances and where you’d like to be, there are a few questions you might begin asking yourself. Questions like: What is my current money situation? What are the financial goals that I want to accomplish? How can I achieve more wealth, stability, and better financial health? But

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Financial Freedom: The Simple Formula To Reach This Goal

There is no doubt most of you reading this are quite familiar with the term financial freedom. It’s a goal I’m actively pursuing and something most would like to achieve in their lifetime. We’ve also all have experienced an unexpected and expensive bill, whether that is a medical emergency, car repair, etc. It can set

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The Dave Ramsey 7 Baby Steps: Pros & Cons of His Method

If you have been looking for financial advice, then you’ve probably come across the name Dave Ramsey and his 7 Baby Steps in your research. Over the years, Dave has quickly become one of the most popular financial “gurus” in the space and has offered helpful advice to thousands of people. But there are plenty

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Property and Casualty Insurance – Your Complete Guide

Protection against loss is critical for everything you do, including running your own business or earning money from a side hustle. The primary tool for mitigating business risks, such as those described by Your Money Geek, is property and casualty insurance. There are many insurance policies within the property and casualty insurance realm, each with its

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Wealth Accumulation: The Simple Guide To Building Wealth

We all have probably had dreams or even current aspirations to accumulate wealth and live a more luxurious lifestyle.  Although you may think wealth accumulation only happens with those who are rich or born into generational wealth, everyone has a chance to dramatically boost their net worth.  Now before you roll your eyes at that,

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11 Ways to Manifest Money [Use the Law of Attraction]

It’s safe to say that most people have a dream or a bigger goal they want to reach in life. And one of those dreams may be reaching complete financial freedom or becoming wealthy.  In order to help get you closer to achieving your financial goals is finding ways to help you manifest money. This

11 Ways to Manifest Money [Use the Law of Attraction] Read More »

6 Steps to Become Financially Stable This Year And Beyond

What does it mean to be financially stable? A question you’ve probably asked yourself before or are even contemplating about right now.  But because personal finances are very unique to you, how you view financial stability may vary compared to the next person.  However, there are some common grounds to the definition and how you

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10 Examples of Appreciating Assets That Build Your Net Worth

One goal that you might have for yourself is to build your net worth, which can help you create a comfortable financial future.  And one common way to help build your worth is through various appreciating assets, that over time can grow substantially in value.  What’s awesome about some of the appreciating assets examples I’ll

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Rich Vs. Wealthy: Why You Need To Know The Differences

When you become immersed in the personal finance world, you’ll come across many terms and interesting discussions about money like rich vs. wealthy.  And most of the time, one of your own financial goals will probably be to become rich and obtain wealth too. It’s a commonality among a vast majority of people in the world.

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29 Personal Finance Statistics That Might Surprise You

Since I’ve been so enamored with finances and money over the last few years, I’ve started paying more attention to content on these topics. And over the course of writing about money, I’ve come across various personal finance statistics relating to everything from debt, retirement savings, financial education, and beyond. Needless to say, there are

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FU Money: What Is It And How Much Money Is Enough?

One of the most defining moments of your life can be realizing you have reached a state of having “FU Money.” It’s money that leaves you feeling comfortable, with less worry about the state of the economy, and gives you an “out” if something were to happen to your income.  Unfortunately, traditional jobs are something

FU Money: What Is It And How Much Money Is Enough? Read More »

8 Simple Ways You Can Become Financially Literate On Your Own

If you have read any finance articles or news that relates to money, you probably have come across being financially literate or “financial literacy.” These terms apply to how well you understand your finances and how educated you are in everyday financial decisions. Unfortunately, the financial education results in America are really not that great.

8 Simple Ways You Can Become Financially Literate On Your Own Read More »

12 Money Lessons That Need To Be Taught In Schools

Unfortunately, the education system in the United States tends to gloss over finances and other important money lessons.  Although I have been out of high school for just over a decade (where did the time go!?), more than 90% of what I know about money was self-taught. I was also fortunate enough to have parents

12 Money Lessons That Need To Be Taught In Schools Read More »

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