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MIT and Yale’s New Class Profiles Post Affirmative Action Ban

MIT and Yale’s New Class Profiles Post Affirmative Action Ban

In 2013, Students for Fair Admissions (SFFA) filed a lawsuit against Harvard University in the U.S. District Court in Boston. They alleged that Harvard’s undergraduate admission practices violated Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by discriminating against Asian Americans. As an Asian American, I was intrigued. After lower courts upheld Harvard’s limited […]

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When To Stop Contributing To A 529 Plan To Fully Fund College

When To Stop Contributing To A 529 Plan To Fully Fund College

Everyone with children should contribute to a 529 plan. It is a tax-efficient way to save for college since none of the gains are taxable if used for approved college expenses. Today, it costs about $200,000 in total for four years at the most expensive public colleges and about $400,000 for four years at the

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The Value Of A Second Language: How Much Money To Be Fluent?

The Value Of A Second Language: How Much Money To Be Fluent?

During my time living abroad, about 90% of my friends were fluent in a second language besides English. This high percentage was expected, given that most of my classmates at the International School of Kuala Lumpur and Taipei American School were foreigners, where being bilingual or multilingual was the norm. Upon relocating to McLean, Virginia,

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Thoughts On Plagiarism As A Thief, Blogger, And Author

Thoughts On Plagiarism As A Thief, Blogger, And Author

On Jan 2, 2024, Claudine Gay resigned as the president of Harvard University amid public outcry over her failure to support the safety of Jews on campus before Congress and allegations of approximately 50 counts of plagiarism. As an author and blogger, I observed the public judgment with fascination, considering that plagiarism has been regarded

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A Blind Spot About Private School Families: They Aren’t All Rich!

A Blind Spot About Private School Families: They Aren’t All Rich!

One of the things I’ve tried to work on since middle school is being less judgmental about others. To function efficiently in society, I often have default assumptions about people which can sometimes backfire. I’m also certain that if more people got to know each other there would be less conflict. As a minority who

A Blind Spot About Private School Families: They Aren’t All Rich! Read More »

To Get Smarter Financially, It Helps To Think In Extremes

To Get Smarter Financially, It Helps To Think In Extremes

If you want to get smarter financially, it helps to think in extremes. Thinking in extremes makes financial concepts easier to understand. Since 2009, I’ve been using my background in finance to help readers and listeners achieve financial freedom sooner. However, before I graduated from business school in 2006, my confidence in understanding financial concepts

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If You Want To Get Rich, Make Sure To Get Really Rich

If You Want To Get Rich, Make Sure To Get Really Rich

If you want to get rich, you might as well aim to get really rich. Being so-so rich, or mass affluent, where your household earns multiple six figures and has a single-digit million net worth, is not bad. But you’ll likely still suffer from continued angst and anxiety, especially if you’re a parent. It’s only

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Finance Is The Language Of The Elite Only If People Don’t Learn It

Finance Is The Language Of The Elite Only If People Don’t Learn It

I watched something on TikTok that made a good point. The premise is that Finance is the language of the elite. It sounds presumptuous and elitist, but it could be true! Have a watch or a listen and see if you agree. Here’s what he says: Most people are financially illiterate. You know what the

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Personality Scores By Race: The Differences Are Unbelievable

Personality Scores By Race: The Differences Are Unbelievable

Although the Supreme Court striking down of Affirmative Action for college admissions is disappointing for many, there are some positives. One such positive is less stereotyping about how someone got into college. Another positive is legacy admissions is now on the chopping block. Finally, another positive is how Asian Americans now have better personalities! From

Personality Scores By Race: The Differences Are Unbelievable Read More »

How To Calculate The Value Of A College Degree

How To Calculate The Value Of A College Degree

Let’s say you’ve just graduated college and have a negative net worth due to student debt. Don’t fret. You actually have a higher net worth than you think! This post will help you calculate the value of a college degree. A college degree is a valuable asset. Millions of people are willing to dedicate 4-6

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An Asian-American’s Perspective On Affirmative Action In College Admissions

An Asian-American’s Perspective On Affirmative Action In College Admissions

With the Supreme Court decision on affirmative action in college admissions imminent, I thought it would be fascinating to see what artificial intelligence (using ChatGPT) thinks about the topic. This way, we can hopefully get a more balanced perspective about affirmative action. After ChatGPT shares its insights on the pros and cons of affirmative action

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What It’s Like Attending A Fancy Private School Fundraiser

What It’s Like Attending A Fancy Private School Fundraiser

Now that COVID is over, my wife and I went to our son’s school fundraiser for teachers and low-income household families. I had never been to one of these types of events before and found it fascinating. The thing is, I almost didn’t go. I had been running around all day with the kids and

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Median Income Earned By Ivy League Graduates: Unimpressive At First

Median Income Earned By Ivy League Graduates: Unimpressive At First

One reason why you might want to attend an Ivy League college or similar college is to earn a higher income. As a parent, you hope your child attending an elite university will make them upwardly mobile. A better life is what every parent wants for their kids. However, the median income earned by Ivy

Median Income Earned By Ivy League Graduates: Unimpressive At First Read More »

Free Money! How To Game The College Financial Aid System

Free Money! How To Game The College Financial Aid System

College is expensive and will only get more expensive over time. If you can get good college financial aid in terms of grants and scholarships (free money), as opposed to bad financial aid (loans), attending college will be much more affordable. We’ve already talked about the different ways for us to pay for college. Now

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The Different Ways To Pay For College: My Surprising Blind Spot

The Different Ways To Pay For College: My Surprising Blind Spot

One of the main reasons why I read lots of books is to learn from people who’ve been there before. And after reading The Price You Pay For College, one of my biggest blind spots I realized is that I don’t have to save so much for college anymore! If you are a parent who’s

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The Best Life Hack For Americans: Taking Advantage Of Canada

Some Americans fear higher taxes so much they are willing to move. The capital gains tax rate might go up. The step-up basis might go away. And the top marginal income tax rate might go up too. Therefore, may I present the best life hack for Americans: taking advantage of Canada! I’m always looking for

The Best Life Hack For Americans: Taking Advantage Of Canada Read More »

How One Man Negotiated A $40 Million Mass Severance Package

Although it’s a bummer to hear about more layoffs, I also feel a lot of hope and excitement for those who have lost their jobs for two reasons. First, there is the benefit of getting a severance package. Imagine getting a severance package worth six months of salary and then finding a new job two

How One Man Negotiated A $40 Million Mass Severance Package Read More »

Rolling Over Leftover 529 Funds Into A Roth IRA: Who Benefits?

A 529 plan is one of the best generational wealth transfer vehicles. Instead of just giving our kids or grandchildren money, it’s way better to give them the gift of education. Thanks to the SECURE Act 2.0, we will be able to roll over leftover 529 funds to a Roth IRA without taxes or penalties.

Rolling Over Leftover 529 Funds Into A Roth IRA: Who Benefits? Read More »

How Does Bail Work? Bail And Bond Mean Different Things

If you plan on committing a crime, it’s good to know beforehand how bail works. This way, you can wisely conduct a cost-benefit analysis to see whether you can afford to pay for your crimes. If you can’t, then it may be best not to do something illegal. In addition, please note that the terms

How Does Bail Work? Bail And Bond Mean Different Things Read More »

How To Develop A Better Personality To Get Into An Elite University

How To Develop A Better Personality To Get Into An Elite University

Want to get into an elite university? Develop a better personality so you can receive a higher personality score during the admissions process. In the Supreme Court case regarding using race-conscious admissions (affirmative action) at Harvard University and UNC, we learn Harvard assigns a personality score to every applicant. By assigning a lower personality score

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