Career & Employment

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The Pointlessness of Working When Your Net Worth Is Declining

The Pointlessness of Working When Your Net Worth Is Declining

The latest stock market correction cost me about five times what I made consulting part-time for four months. If I were smarter, I would have sold 100% of my rollover IRA before stocks started to tumble, then bought back in several weeks later. Alas, I don’t possess such acumen. This experience got me thinking about […]

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Went Back To Work And Could Only Last Four Months: Here’s What Went Wrong

Went Back To Work And Could Only Last Four Months: Here’s What Went Wrong

After 12 years of FIRE (financial independence retire early), I went back to work. Unfortunately, I only lasted four months. Here’s my story of what went wrong. I purposefully waited months to release this post to ensure I was thinking logically and not emotionally. From the end of November 2023 through March 2024, I re-entered

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The Challenges Of Living And Working In Honolulu, Hawaii

The Challenges Of Living And Working In Honolulu, Hawaii

After taking my family on a nine-day vacation to Honolulu, Hawaii, my plan to relocate there is back in the cards! Since 2014, two years after retiring from my finance job, I’ve been contemplating moving back to Honolulu to spend more time with my parents. However, actually making the move has been much harder than

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The Best No Income Tax States To Work And Get Rich

The Best No Income Tax States To Work And Get Rich

Income taxes can hinder wealth creation. Fortunately, for Americans seeking to save on taxes, there are nine states without income tax where we can choose to reside. These states are listed below in alphabetical order: Ideally, you’ll secure a fantastic job and find your soulmate in one of these nine income tax-free states. As your

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Getting A Doctorate Degree Instead Of A Fancy Tech Job

Getting A Doctorate Degree Instead Of A Fancy Tech Job

Education is the key to freedom for all of us. Therefore, I’ve made the decision to pursue a doctorate degree instead of seeking a fancy tech job. Specifically, I plan to earn a Doctorate in Business Administration with a focus on real estate from UC Berkeley. Considering my MBA from UC Berkeley in 2006, my

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Life Insurance Is A Reason Why Your Spouse Doesn’t Need To Work

Life Insurance Is A Reason Why Your Spouse Doesn’t Need To Work

I’ve faced criticism for encouraging my wife to re-enter the workforce after she left in 2015. However, it’s important to clarify that she hasn’t been truly retired. Instead, she has been actively engaged as a full-time mom since 2017. In addition, she has helped do a lot of the operational and editorial work for Financial

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Don’t Let Pride Get In The Way Of Taking Care Of Your Family

Don’t Let Pride Get In The Way Of Taking Care Of Your Family

I once encountered an actor in Paris who had secured minor roles in significant films, courtesy of his friendship with Leonardo DiCaprio. Despite having the opportunity to continue with these smaller roles due to his connections, his pride led him to pursue larger roles. Regrettably, 10 years later, I haven’t seen him in a single

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The Excitement Of Living In A Big City Is Worth The Cost

The Excitement Of Living In A Big City Is Worth The Cost

A common suggestion people have made to help me regain my financial independence is to move to a cheaper area of the country or the world to save money. I’ve resisted relocating so far because I believe the excitement of living in a big city is worth the cost. I’ve lived in big cities all

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Inside Look At How HR Lays Off An Employee: Severance Insights

Inside Look At How HR Lays Off An Employee: Severance Insights

In a compelling TikTok video, Brittany Pietsch chronicles her own experience of being laid off at Cloudflare, a publicly-traded tech company. The call involves an HR (Human Resources) representative named Rosie and another man, presumably also from HR. The man begins by asserting that Brittany did not meet Cloudflare’s performance expectations, but Brittany interrupts him,

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10 Helpful Financial Moves To Make Every Year

10 Helpful Financial Moves To Make Every Year

The end of the year is always the best time to reflect and plan. I’d like to share several financial moves you should make before the new year in order to protect your wealth and hopefully grow your wealth in a risk-adjusted manner next year. Those of us who invested in stocks, real estate, and many

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Why Millennials Need To Earn 5,000 A Year To Feel Happy

Why Millennials Need To Earn $525,000 A Year To Feel Happy

Empower surveyed 2,304 U.S. adults about financial happiness. And one of the most fascinating data points from the survey was that Millennials need to earn $525,000 a year to feel happy! Although $525,000 isn’t a top 1% income ($650,000+ is in 2023), it’s a top 3% income. And if you need to earn more than

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Why It’s So Hard To Leave San Francisco: Excitement, Fear, AI

Why It’s So Hard To Leave San Francisco: Excitement, Fear, AI

I’ve been trying to leave San Francisco since 2014. After fake retiring in 2012, I thought it was only logical to move to a lower-cost area of the country, like Honolulu, to save money and be closer to my folks. Yes, Honolulu isn’t cheap, but it’s cheaper than San Francisco! However, every time I try

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Example Of A Book Proposal That Should Have Been Accepted

Example Of A Book Proposal That Should Have Been Accepted

So you want to publish the next great book! To do so you first need a book proposal. Back in late 2011, I spent hours putting together a book proposal for my severance negotiation strategy book, How To Engineer Your Layoff. After engineering my own layoff three months earlier, I had hoped to get a

Example Of A Book Proposal That Should Have Been Accepted Read More »

The Diversity Hire Dilemma: How To Get Paid Based On Identity, Not Merit

The Diversity Hire Dilemma: How To Get Paid Based On Identity, Not Merit

Now that the Supreme Court has outlawed affirmative action in college admissions, it’s time to look at the next layer of affirmative action: getting a job based on identity versus merit. This is the diversity hire dilemma some of you or your children might one day face. At the end of the day, the whole

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The Difficulty Of Finding A Good Job After Retiring For Years

The Difficulty Of Finding A Good Job After Retiring For Years

The longer you are retired, the harder it may be to find a job if you want to go back. In this article, I’d like to share the difficulties I’ve faced finding employment in a new field. My situation should help folks think more carefully about early retirement and staying out of the workforce for

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Income Ranking By Metro: Cities That Pay The Most

Income Ranking By Metro: Cities That Pay The Most

One of the best ways to increase your chances of making more money is to move to a city that has a high number of high-paying jobs. Ideally, you should secure a high-paying job offer first before moving to one of these cities. Otherwise, it may be tough going given the higher cost of living

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The Secret Creation Of Trust Fund Jobs For Status, Purpose, And Relevance

The Secret Creation Of Trust Fund Jobs For Status, Purpose, And Relevance

If you or your spouse are rich, consider creating a trust fund job. This way, you’ll gain more status, stay relevant, and deflect suspicions that you may be an unproductive member of society. The older I’ve gotten, the more I realize there are plenty of people with trust fund jobs idly passing their time. Their

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The Worst State To Live And Work In America Is Texas? Giddyup!

The Worst State To Live And Work In America Is Texas? Giddyup!

CNBC got folks fired up when it came out with its top 10 worst states to live and work in. Texas, a state with a population of almost 30 million, came in as the worst state. I’ve been to Austin and Houston a dozen times for work. They are fine cities with some mighty fine

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When To File For Unemployment Benefits If You Receive WARN Act Pay

When To File For Unemployment Benefits If You Receive WARN Act Pay

If you’ve been laid off from an employer with 100 or more full-time employees, you are eligible for Federal WARN Act pay. An employer must provide written notice to employees 60-days prior to a plant closing or a mass layoff. In other words, the Federal WARN Act pay is equal to 60 days of pay,

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My Regret Of Not Taking The Money Due To Company Loyalty

My Regret Of Not Taking The Money Due To Company Loyalty

For those who follow golf, there was a blockbuster announcement that the PGA Tour would merge with the LIV Golf League. Nobody expected the PGA Tour to merge with LIV because the PGA Tour had been adamant in its disdain for the Saudi Arabia-backed league. The LIV Golf League offered obscene amounts of money to

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