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How to Downsize Your Life

How to Downsize Your Life

Downsizing is typically associated with retirees who seek to lower their housing payments by moving into smaller homes. But when people choose to downsize, and why they want to, may be shifting. A survey from real estate company Opendoor found that 52% of respondents want a smaller home. This is one figure in a series […]

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How to Create a Summer Budget

How to Create a Summer Budget

The sunshine, warm weather and longer days of summer might inspire you to get out and have some fun. That could mean planning a trip, coordinating a staycation or exploring more outdoor activities. But the summer months can put a strain on your budget if you aren’t prepared. From traveling to enrolling your kids in

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7 Tips for Spending Money Wisely

7 Tips for Spending Money Wisely

The way you spend money has a big impact on your financial well-being. Overspending can strain your budget, leading to debt and other financial problems. On the other hand, spending wisely allows you to build savings, limit debt and begin building wealth. The following seven tips can help you spend wisely, including making a budget,

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How to Budget for One-Time Expenses

How to Budget for One-Time Expenses

Some bills may not fit neatly into your regular budget. Whether it’s a bill that’s due every six months or a surprise one-time expense, being prepared can help you cover the costs without accumulating new debt. It comes down to organizing your budget and being intentional with your money. Here are five simple ways to

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5 Ways You May Be Spending Money Without Even Realizing It

5 Ways You May Be Spending Money Without Even Realizing It

Finding ways to reduce your spending can make it easier to keep more in your pocket or save for a rainy day. And, if you’re feeling financial pressure, you may be making a conscious effort to limit everyday spending or cut back on discretionary areas in your budget. But what about the spending you do

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What Is a Budget Deficit?

What Is a Budget Deficit?

Few people have unlimited resources, so most have to work at living within their means. That’s why making a budget is so useful; it helps you see how much you’re earning and spending, limit extra expenditures and work toward goals. Individuals experience a budget deficit when their expenditures, or money flowing out, exceeds income, or

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5 Expenses that Could Ruin Your Budget

5 Expenses that Could Ruin Your Budget

Pop-up expenses can throw a wrench in your monthly budget. Some might take you by surprise, like an unexpected car repair or medical emergency. Others may be non-monthly bills that are due at odd times of the year, like a semiannual insurance premium. The good news is that it’s possible to prep your budget for

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What Should I Do With Extra Money?

What Should I Do With Extra Money?

Whether your income is on the rise or you receive a windfall of unexpected cash, having extra money in your budget is always good news. The best thing to do with it depends on your financial situation, but paying off high-interest debt usually takes priority. You can also use extra cash to build your emergency

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How to Save Money Now for Holiday Gifts

How to Save Money Now for Holiday Gifts

The winter holidays are right around the corner, which means it’s time to shop for gifts to give our loved ones. For some, however, holiday gift shopping can lead to a mountain of debt before the new year begins. “Charge now, pay later” is a common approach for many consumers who use their credit cards

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9 Money Management Tips to Improve Your Finances

9 Money Management Tips to Improve Your Finances

Wondering where all your money goes? Learning to manage your money can help you control spending, better handle unexpected expenses and save for retirement. Get a grip on your finances by embracing a few simple money habits. Here are nine steps to manage your money and achieve your financial goals. 1. Create a Budget To

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How to Have a Conversation About Money

How to Have a Conversation About Money

Having a conversation about money can be stressful. People bring different emotions, beliefs and experiences surrounding money to the table. It’s easy to become tense when you’re discussing how you or the other person manages money―especially if your finances are entwined. That’s why the best way to approach a conversation about finances is with intention.

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What Is a Financial Windfall?

What Is a Financial Windfall?

From discovering a $20 bill in the pocket of your winter coat to receiving a surprise bonus at work, financial windfalls make life a little sweeter. A financial windfall is money you didn’t expect to receive. Financial windfalls can range in size from hundreds to millions of dollars, but whatever the amount, they offer an

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How Often Should You Negotiate Your Bills?

How Often Should You Negotiate Your Bills?

When it comes to budgeting, it’s important to take time to consider how you plan to use the money that’s left over after all your necessities are taken care of. And while it’s easy to cut back on things like eating out and traveling, recurring charges such as streaming subscriptions might be harder to reduce.

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What Is Financial Security and How Do You Achieve It?

What Is Financial Security and How Do You Achieve It?

Knowing how to increase your financial security is key to building stability and feeling at ease and in control of your money situation. But what exactly is financial security, and how do you reach it? In short, financial security is when you feel comfortable affording your regular expenses and optimistic about your financial life in

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4 Budgeting Ideas for People Who Don’t Like to Budget

4 Budgeting Ideas for People Who Don’t Like to Budget

You probably already know that a budget can help you control your cash flow and check important financial boxes, like affording your expenses and saving for the future. That said, if you just really don’t like budgeting, knowing that it’s good for you doesn’t make it any easier to stick with. When budgeting feels like

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Midyear Financial Checklist: 7 Steps to Improve Your Finances

Midyear Financial Checklist: 7 Steps to Improve Your Finances

With the midpoint of the year approaching fast, it’s a great time to take stock of your financial progress, realign your spending with your goals and set your sights on where you want to end up by the end of the year. To help you pull off a financial review that leaves you with new

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How to Get a Mortgage on a Tight Budget

How to Get a Mortgage on a Tight Budget

Getting a mortgage can be challenging if your budget leaves little room to save for a down payment. Additionally, some lenders have stringent lending criteria, making it nearly impossible to qualify if you have low income or bad credit. Challenges like these can be discouraging and even overwhelming if you have limited financial resources, making

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What Is the 20/10 Rule of Thumb?

What Is the 20/10 Rule of Thumb?

The 20/10 rule of thumb is a budgeting technique that can be an effective way to keep your debt under control. It says your total debt shouldn’t equal more than 20% of your annual income, and that your monthly debt payments shouldn’t be more than 10% of your monthly income. While the 20/10 rule can

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How Long Does It Take to Get SSDI?

How Long Does It Take to Get SSDI?

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits help millions of disabled Americans keep a roof over their head and food on the table. Unfortunately, SSDI payments don’t magically show up in your bank account. SSDI recipients generally must wait five months to get their first SSDI payment, according to the Social Security Administration (SSA). Payments begin

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